Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Transformers, More than Meets The Eye

This transformer is 1/2 inch wide. The 42 gauge wire (to the right) is like hair. My husband makes these - by hand. Of course a precision high speed winder turns that fine wire 266 times around the bobbin. Electronic testing equipment will let us know if it is even one turn off.

This is a Completed transformer, with the core stacked, and the leads (22 gauge gold plated copper) bent just so. The unit is soaked in epoxy in a vacuum chamber.


Lessie said...

Why does he make these? A hobby of some kind? Electronic fencing for goats? :)

Claire said...

ha! that's good! yes, the ubiquitous kudzu goats!
He makes them
1.)because I used to and can't anymore due to my P.D.
2.)because a friend in NC buys them from us for circuit boards for something-or-other.
3.)because it pays the bills.

LauraLiz said...

Great shots!

SUSAN said...

That looks like very precise workmanship. Thanks for the peek into that little bit of your world.

This is Susan, from long ago Trapdoor. We met at Beth's. :-)

Dancingirl said...

I would think that would develop patience, if nothing else! Thanks for telling the size; I'd never have guessed from the picture alone.